- Trump calls out Cummings for condition of BaltimoreBernie called BaltimoreRUSH: Baltimore among Liberal-run Hellholes
- U.S./China trade talks moved to Shanghai; Trump predicts Chinese will wait until after election to complete trade deal
- Cooper kicked off his campaign in NYC
- Axelrod says “if” Trump loses in 2020, it will be because of Baltimore statements
- Google may still be tracking you if you have location turned off
- American filmmakers try to appease China now, gave Nazis veto power thenChina portrayed in American movies as a technologically advanced superpower
- China will launch anti-subsidy probe into imports from U.S., targets food packaging and pharmaceuticals.
- NY becomes first state to ban cat declawing
- Disney breaks annual box office record halfway through the year
- Budget veto was Cooper’s only move in his bid to expand Medicaid