- Dem Agriculture Commish candidate caught lying about farmTaber gets hit by McClatchy too
- Berger hits back at Biden calling Trump supporters ‘garbage’
- Roy backs Dark Kamala’s vitriol
- Dem Atty General candidate Jeff Jackson hugs convicted pedophileStory here...Flashback: Roy at gala with TurnerTurner resigned from CLT LGBT chamber....Char Observer hid Turner's crimesAd hits Jackson for hanging out w/child sex offenderMonster thread shows Jackson had to knowOh, hey, it's Roy with the sex offender
- Robinson wants apology from Hunt for racist adHunt pulled the ad from public listingPosted exact same ad as unlisted
- Roy & Josh fight having balanced elections board
- Lefty ‘Assembly’ does weird softball article on Ag Commish candidateAnother reporter brings receipts in thread on Taber
- Roy’s appointee facing ethics complaintRiggs & Earls... two progressive peas in a pod
- Kamala yanks over $1.7M in ad buys from NC
- NC Farm Bureau sues US Dept of Labor