- NYT publishes materials showing USSR saw Bernie as propaganda asset
- What happened to the “democratic” part? Sanders pledges to immediately issue executive orders legalizing marijuana, blocking deportations of illegal immigrants and wiping many criminal records clean
- Trump boat trolls Bernie during speech
- Bernie appears with Bully Barber, says his socialist agenda is “not radical”Pelosi says she's comfortable with Socialist Sanders at top of ticketDem Superdelegates signal they're fine passing over Socialist Sanders in Brokered Convention
- Sanders doubles down on support of communist Fidel Castro in 60 Minutes interview
- No, Bernie. Castro didn’t improve literacy and life expectancy in Cuba
- Bernie supporters harass DNC officials at their homes… in the middle of the night
- SC conservatives voting for Sanders in primary to help Trump and end open primaries
- Socialist Sanders would sue fossil fuel industry, use massive tax hikes to pay for his plans
- MSNBC Matthews compares Socialist Sanders to Nazis