- DOJ: ‘Expect Action’ to Protect Churches From Tyrannical Local ‘Social Distancing’ OrdersKY State Police took down license plates of church goers...
- Leftist IndyWeek melts down over Lt. Gov wanting the state to get back to business, calling out media fearmongeringSame IndyWeek Author: More Than 137,500 People Filed for Unemployment in North Carolina Last Week
- Wake County officials banned Drive-thru Easter services
- Army field hospital for Covid-19 surge leaves Seattle after 9 days…never saw a patient
- Wrightsville Beach fining people $500 plus court costs for playing on closed beachesLocal attorney says what Wrightsville is doing is illegalSurf City blocking people from riding out the virus in legally owned vacation or second homesProperty owners suing Dare County for barring them from beach homes
- Tom Hanks hosts “remote opening” to SNL after recovering from COVID-19
- “Raucous protest” outside Governor’s Mansion; demand release of inmates due to COVID-1932 YO "female" from Knoxville, Tenn., charged with violating an executive order, assaulting a law government official with a deadly weapon, resisting a public officer
- If you tested positive for COVID-19, healthcare workers might be sharing your info with cops
- SIXTY residents of Orange County retirement home test positive
- Boris Johnson moved out of ICU