- Kushner wants broad virus surveillance, data dashboard…likened to Patriot Act
- NC ranks last in getting unemployment checks out… DES system overloaded
- Watauga Supt sneers at public critical of lack of remote learning…”public school haters….”
- Cooper has no answers on tanking economyMore lockdown pain coming... Another Cooper EO?
- Harris Teeter now limiting number of customers allowed inside at one time…
- Wilmington police blocking “drive-thru Easter services”
- UK Govt testing chief: none of the 3.5 million antibody tests ordered from China are fit for widespread use
- How the CDC and the FDA Wrecked the Economyfailure to conduct early and wide testing left politicians ignorant
- ‘Unprecedented’ unemployment hits NC amid coronavirus shutdown
- Charlotte featured in NYT story on how black Americans are testing positive for COVID at higher rates