- Gun sales are up… first time owners, self defense…
- Cooper moves goalposts again… extends SAH order to May 8Cooper's reopen plan is "too draconian"Cooper's phase plan doesn't reopen... it keeps things closed for monthsCooper shuts down schools for remainder of school year
- Dems are using COVID to push for mail-in ballots… but 28M of them went missing in last 4 elections
- Uh oh… Meat processing plants across the US are closing due to pandemic. 3 of nations largest providing 15% of supply just shut down ‘indefinitely’
- Northern Guilford High School principal to bike laps around school for each graduating senior
- Cooper’s shut down costs more jobs – Enterprise permanently laying off 900
- Indian Company Will Start Producing Virus Vaccine In 2-3 Weeks So If Trials Work, They’ll Be Ready By Fall
- “1,188 confirmed cases statewide of people recovering from the virus…”Vidant Health says it accidentally reported 122 inaccurate COVID-19 test results
- USNS Comfort departs NY after treating 184 COVID patients
- Cooper & Cohen fight against extending testing Sen. Berger wants for antibody samples