- Cumberland County schools meal site worker tests positive; site closed for 2 weeks
- First N.C. state prison inmate dies from COVID-19 complications
- Still no plan. Cooper responds to protests that NC will open “in a responsible way, in a staged way.”
- Was California first to have COVID-19 deaths?CDC says second wave in winter will be worse, could overlap with Flu
- de Blasio’s social distancing snitch line spammed with penis pics, Hitler memes
- Lt. Gov explains how and why he gave $200k from campaign to help NC Small Biz
- Family files personal injury lawsuit against Salisbury nursing home at center of COVID-19 outbreak
- Forest campaign torches Cooper for complaining fundraising email while over 600k NC citizens filed for unemployment
- NY numbers decline, Trump blasts Harvard for taking PPP cash it didn’t need
- King Zuck says he’ll remove pages organizing reopening protests as ‘harmful misinformation’Governors deny asking Facebook to take down reopen protest groups