- Boston Herald: Dems impeachment is a hyper-partisan, hate-filled charade
- Dems schedule “starkly partisan roll call Wednesday” on impeachmentDems promise to continue trying to impeach Trump regardless of Senate outcome
- He’s a threat to democracy, but these Dems hit Trump’s WH Christmas party anyway
- Poll: Majority of voters don’t want Trump impeachedModerate Dems floating censure instead of impeachmentVulnerable Dems feeling the heat ahead of impeachment
- Husband of Dem in Impeachment Hearings took $700K from firms tied to Ukrainian Oligarch ‘accused of ordering contract killings’
- Dems will pay for impeachment charade in 2020
- Illinois Town Posts Job Opening… For Democrats Only
- Anti-impeachment Dem from NJ says he’s leaving Dem party
- Impeachment Dems: Dangerous Trump must be stopped. Same Dems: We’re giving him a win on NAFTA deal
- Dems announce impeachment charges"abuse of power and obstruction of Congress"