- Oscar winner thanks wife for raising their family while he was advancing his career. Liberals spend days tearing the family apart online.
- Judge orders Google to turn over a year’s worth of data on Jussie Smollett and his manager
- “Rise of Skywalker” fails to match recent predecessors on opening weekend
- Why the left hates the new ‘Joker’ movie
- FBI monitoring release of new ‘Joker’ movie; threats of “unspecific mass shootings”
- Oscars: Pitt get political, Obama film director quotes Marx, Joaquin Phoenix is weird
- Ricky Gervais roasts Hollywood hypocrites at Golden Globes, says don’t make political speech cause ‘you know nothing about real world’Slate says Gervais was 'just plain mean'
- JJ Abrams says new Star Wars will have ‘LGBTQ representation’
- De Niro sued for harassment; screamed at woman on voicemail “How dare you f—— disrespect me?” & “You’re f—— history.”
- Pelosi bows to Hollywood extremists