- Dems will pay for impeachment charade in 2020
- DEMS IMPEACH TRUMPThe Day after impeachment, Congress goes home...Trump rally broadcast live during impeachment10,000 seat area packed for Trump impeachment night rallyPelosi won’t commit to sending Impeachment articles to Senate for trialPelosi rambles incoherently about sending articles to SenateTrump campaign raised $5 million on day of impeachment...
- FISA Judge rips FBI, question “whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable,”
- Dems schedule “starkly partisan roll call Wednesday” on impeachmentDems promise to continue trying to impeach Trump regardless of Senate outcome
- Poll: Majority of voters don’t want Trump impeachedModerate Dems floating censure instead of impeachmentVulnerable Dems feeling the heat ahead of impeachment