- WRAL carries water for Cooper on Atlantic Coast Pipeline scandal
- Judicial Watch Posts Rod Rosenstein’s Secret Emails with Flattering Reporters
- Char Obs concern trolls: Ex-GOP Chair Hayes could testify against others: ‘They should be worried.’
- Guardian author says we should be afraid of Ivanka Trump’s hair
- Clinton Library docs: DNC secretly trained thousands of activists to manipulate media, infiltrate talk radio
- News & Observer’s Ned Barnett recycles the absurd claim that Medicaid expansion will create 37,000 jobs
- Media could learn a lesson on school choice in Wegmans mania
- NY Yorker cover shows Trump and Giuliani as mobsters murdering Uncle Sam
- N&O uninterested in where House Dems were on 9/11, investigates Rep. Jackson ‘seeing’ another text message insteadMoore: House Republicans never planned veto override; Dems falsely told by own leadership of no-vote session.
- One America News Network Files $10 Million Defamation Lawsuit Against MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow