- NYT’s 9/11 story and tweet say ‘airplaines’ took aim at trade center…
- Don Trump Jr responds: ‘The only thing “Reliable” about Stelter is that he is reliably a leftwing hack.’
- Duke University’s chairman emeritus of psychiatry on CNN: Trump responsible for ‘millions more’ deaths than ‘Hitler, Stalin and Mao’
- Popular commentator from left-wing ‘Young Turks’ site says America deserved 9/11, calls jihadis ‘brave,’ mocks Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s war injury
- News & Observer publishes unhinged lefty screed blaming Trump for shootingsBarlow Herget is 'former N&O Editorial writer, Raleigh City Councilman, and far-left Policy Watch hack
- DOJ is close to decision on charging McCabeCNN hires Andrew McCabe former FBI Director fired for lying
- Brian Stelter now says he totally would have pushed back but was having ‘tech difficulties’
- CNN hires fired FBI former director Andrew McCabe
- #FakeNews: CNN accuses ICE of ripping baby away from nursing mother – who wasn’t nursing
- MSNBC analyst floats theory tying Trump’s decision to fly flags at half-staff to white supremacy