- Speaker Moore: Here are the facts on the budget veto overrideWashington Post Gets Busted After Attempting Bogus 9/11 Smear Of NC House Republicans
- Shouting lefties attempt to disrupt NCGA outraged by losing budget battle the day before
- “We are downstairs right now trying to redraw partisan heavy voting maps,” Butler yelled…
- VIDEO: Rep. Butler: “how dare you, Mr. Speaker”
- Dem senator calls move ‘plainly unethical behavior’ on Twitter as left throws fit
- Cooper uses 9/11, veto override to campaign on in MSNBC interview
- NCAE stages protest against House… for bringing teacher raises one step closer?
- Policy Watch accuses Dem Sen Lowe of assault after Lowe throws his phone to prevent filming of post-override tantrum
- Easier path in Senate where GOP only needs ONE Dem to flip
- NC House overrides Cooper’s budget veto with most Dems absent