- Congressman Dan Bishop will attend April 21 Reopen NC Protest
- Lt. Gov: We need to get back to work.Forest letter to Cohen: Where is the data?
- Speaker Moore: Give me your input on Reopening NC
- Lawmakers threaten legal action against Cooper after PD cite “Executive Order” in Reopen NC Protest Arrest
- Raleigh Police: “Protesting is a non-essential activity.”Raleigh PD torched on Twitter...RAL PD stands by arrest, makes statement...
- NC Citizens want rights restored… Reopen NCReopen NC: Cooper needs to promise not to arrest protesters
- Lawmaker letter to Cooper: “grave overstep in your authority.”Cooper responds through Aide... protests not prohibited BUT...
- Cooper punted on Reopen NC arrest, laid out vague plan for lifting restrictions
- One woman arrested at Reopen NC protest
- Reopen NC protests in Raleigh… Car honks, speakers blaring…