- Reminder: Earth Day founder killed his girlfriend, composted her body
- Not a joke: Marvel Comics introduces new generation of superheroes, Snowflake and Safespace
- Chapel Hill activists protest against ‘loophole’ of ICE being able to deport illegal immigrants who commit crimes
- Sony reportedly creating new Spiderman where he’s a bisexual with a boyfriend
- Orange County approves using new tax revenue for social justice and climate action… by changing light bulbs in poor neighborhoods
- During Pandemic, UNC-Chapel Hill student paper says ICE agents are “biggest threat” to public safety.
- WRAL won’t publish Mugshots anymore… “Reinforcing Or Creating Stereotypes”…Too Many Non-White Faces
- Durhversity: Durham elects NC’s first Muslim woman as commissioner to first all-female commission.
- UNC Chapel Hill elects new student body president who ran on ‘protecting student activism’, marginalized communities
- Minority staffers with Mayor Pete’s campaign report repeated ‘microaggressions’