- Duke University boots Christian group ‘Young Life’ for views on homosexuality
- Bearded male pop star Sam Smith ‘changes pronouns’ to gender neutral ‘they/them’
- Apex Middle students and parents upset over group therapy-like “Circle Time” activity
- Jonah Goldberg: White Liberals Have Moved to the Left of Black Voters
- NC Values Coalition hits WCPSS’s Equity Affairs Office on SPLC tied Social Justice standardsLegal options being evaluated to halt Wake County Social Justice curriculum...
- New feminist version of Monopoly gives women $240 when they ‘pass Go,’ $200 for men
- Cooper endorsed F’ville Mayor balking at Civil war museum. Protesters say “Build it so we can burn it down.”
- ACLU sues Michigan GOP congressional candidate for refusing to host British Down Syndrome Drag Queen performers at his venue
- UNC implements ‘Anti-Racist Alerts’ system
- Durham wants to tax citizens 10 cents per plastic/paper bag