- Rowan County girls win little league softball championship, invited to visit White House
- Trump’s personal assistant abruptly resigns; allegedly leaked family info to reporters
- Don Trump Jr responds: ‘The only thing “Reliable” about Stelter is that he is reliably a leftwing hack.’
- Trump blasts Gov. Cooper on Twitter for vetoing ICE bill
- Trump coming to NC to campaign for Bishop
- Trump Admin Sanctions Hezbollah Terror Network
- Watchdog: Comey violated FBI policies in handling of memosNY Post: A Cheaters guide to James Comey's policy breaches
- Trump: No, I never said I wanted to Nuke hurricanes…
- “Looking forward to soon being in North Carolina to hold a big rally for wonderful Dan Bishop, who is running for Congress. His opponent wants Open Borders, Sanctuary Cities, and Socialism. He likes the “Squad” more than North Carolina. Dan has my Full and Complete Endorsement!”
- U.S.-China trade war heats up over currency manipulation