- Trump fires intelligence IG who told Congressional Dems about Ukraine callMueller Hid Evidence Exonerating Don Jr. Over Infamous Trump Tower Meeting
- Why Obama’s IRS scandal was 1000 times worse than Ukrainegate
- The Ukraine scandal timeline Democrats don’t want people to seeState Dept releases docs on Biden Ukraine corruption, pay to play
- Sondland has no evidence of Quid Pro Quo, admits he “presumed” it all
- Vindman’s testimony was not the slam-dunk hit Democrats portrayed it to beEric Ciaramella or Voldemort?
- Iran admits its Revolutionary Guard ‘unintentionally’ shot down Ukrainian plane
- Biden says he has no idea what son Hunter was doing in Ukraine and doesn’t want to know, but does know he’s innocent
- Rudy Giuliani will expose “massive pay-for-play scheme under the Obama that will devastate the Democrat Party.”
- Former Ukraine Ambassador to testify on “how she feels about her treatment by the Trump administration.”Report: Yanovitch lied to investigators in Oct 11 testimony
- US Ukraine Ambassador was emailing Dems using a private account, contradiction of her testimony