- Woman sentenced for impersonating FBI Agent… on date…drove there in a stolen car
- NY Gov Cuomo says if people want to work so bad, they should ‘go take a job as an essential worker’
- Cooper: reopening the economy is like a light dimmer…
- NC couple who tested positive allowed to fly commercial
- Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Praises ‘Violent Criminal Attack’ On Rand Paul
- Bully Barber is consistent during pandemic… pushes progressive politics, racism, genocide tropesFlashback: Barber tells Dems that Socialism is endorsed By Constitution, Bible
- During Pandemic, UNC-Chapel Hill student paper says ICE agents are “biggest threat” to public safety.
- Swain County man suing over curfew; was ticketed for being out looking for food
- Man arrested and charged for allegedly coughing at someone in a Walmart
- Not a joke: Marvel Comics introduces new generation of superheroes, Snowflake and Safespace