- MURPHY: One size solutions do not fit all problems
- Continuity of State Operations group considers local government revenues, state may be short $2 billion
- Goodbye Green New Deal?
- Can we trust China’s COVID numbers? Count the urns …
- STREAMING WOES: Europe asked Netflix about lowering streaming speeds to preserve bandwidth
- Red Sea Rising: China takes advantage of COVID-19 crisis, asserts power in South China Sea
- Inaccurate models are panicking officials into ill advised lockdownsBerger calls for random sampling, DHHS not reporting all hospital beds, negative testsNC Hospital's COVID chart looks just like TX, TN, OR...Imperial College scientist who predicted 500K coronavirus deaths in UK revises to 20K or fewer
- NYT, CNN, try to spin Trump quote on who governors should “appreciate”
- March 18 Public Record Request – Lt. Governor
- Albemarle Police refer facebook poster who said he had coronavirus to prosecutor